G5 英文 reading project - 書本介紹

 五年級下學期末,也就是停課時。我們做了一個reading project。這個project也可以說是讀書心得的介紹。我們要先找一本英文小說,閱讀、記錄單字,最後再製作一個作品介紹這本書。

我選了一本書叫做 The One And Only Ivan。主要在說一隻叫做Ivan的大猩猩在馬戲團和它如何得到自由的故事。雖然一顆使拿到這本書時乾到驚訝(書很厚),但翻開書後發現其實字很大,內容也偏簡單。"奮戰" 了2個禮拜後終於 "打敗" 這本書了!!!



Hello everyone! my name is Olivia, today I will introduce you to a book called “One And Only Ivan” and my model about this book...

First, let me introduce my model: 

This model is made of boxes and cardboard, when it is all finished, it will be like a large book. If you open it, you can see they have three floors in the box. And on every floor, you can see a character of this book and a short paragraph about the summary.

Then I will told you a summary and my idea :

Ivan is a Silverback gorilla that lives in a circus called "Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade”. Ivan thinks humans are wasteful, strange, and speak too much. So he keeps himself silent and steady. When he was a little gorilla, he lived in a jungle. One day a man took him to a city; he was the boss of the circus called Mack. 

In the circus, he has some friends, an elephant named Stella, a stray dog named Bob, and even a girl named Julia. They are good friends in the circus. One day, Mack gave Ivan a crayon; this crayon made Ivan have a different life. 

After some weeks, Ivan and his friend had a performance one night. The night came, and the performance opened. Ivan drew a picture of nature because he and his friends wanted to be free. People saw the picture; they said, "The animals want to be _free!"  

I think this book uses personification to make animals like people who can then tell their stories. I learned "no one wants to stay in the cage". Everyone should be free.

